Home for a night. Awesome. I was getting pretty tired of people fucking up my work. Next person I have to work with who fucks me up is getting shot in the goddamn face.
Hey, Lena, I need some stuff. I'll pay you with cake.
Reno. You coming over?
((ooc: hiatus break /shot i was forced don't judge me i am weak. 8|))
Uh, yeah, so just a bit of advice? Don't sneak up on someone who's setting explosives. Especially if they're holding a loaded gun in their mouth. It's not really a great situation to be in.
My ribs are finally all healed, so I think I can get back to a more regular training schedule now.
I've been wondering about picking up Kyokushin Karate to strengthen my upper body, and I think finding a sparring partner of my level or so would really help. Anybody interested?